“Diff’rent Strokes,” the iconic American sitcom that graced our screens from 1978 to 1986, brought laughter, heartwarming moments, and significant life lessons to its viewers. The show followed the story of two boys from Harlem, Arnold (Gary Coleman) and Willis Jackson (Todd Bridges), who were taken in by wealthy businessman Phillip Drummond (Conrad Bain) and his daughter Kimberly (Dana Plato) after their mother’s passing. As we dive into the post-“Diff’rent Strokes” journeys of the cast, we’ll uncover the diverse challenges they faced and where life has taken them.
The Legacy of “Diff’rent Strokes”
Before we delve into the cast’s current endeavors, let’s briefly reflect on the legacy of “Diff’rent Strokes.” This groundbreaking series tackled serious issues through its “very special episodes,” addressing topics such as racism, drug use, alcoholism, hitchhiking, kidnapping, and child sexual abuse. The show’s catchy theme song, “It Takes Diff’rent Strokes,” remains etched in our memories, and it played a significant role in making stars out of its main cast members.
Gary Coleman (Arnold Jackson)
- Born on February 8, 1968: Gary Coleman gained immense fame as Arnold Jackson in “Diff’rent Strokes.” He became the highest-paid child actor of his time.
- Challenges with Celebrity Status: However, after the show ended, Gary’s acting career faced setbacks, and he grappled with health problems.
- Untimely Passing: Tragically, Gary Coleman passed away on May 28, 2010, at the age of 42 due to a brain hemorrhage.
Todd Bridges (Willis Jackson)
- Born on May 27, 1965: Todd Bridges portrayed Arnold’s older brother, Willis, on the show.
- Legal Issues and Acquittal: Post the show, Todd faced legal troubles and was tried and acquitted of attempted murder in 1988.
- Substance Abuse Battles: He also battled substance abuse problems, which he documented in his book, “Killing Willis.”
- The Last Survivor: As of the information available, Todd Bridges is the last surviving main original cast member.
Conrad Bain (Phillip Drummond)
- Born on February 4, 1923: Conrad Bain played the role of Phillip Drummond, the patriarch of the Drummond family.
- A Long Career: Before “Diff’rent Strokes,” Conrad had a successful and extensive career in TV and film.
- Peaceful End: Conrad Bain passed away at the age of 89 on January 14, 2013, due to complications following a stroke.
Dana Plato (Kimberley Drummond)
- Born on November 7, 1964: Dana Plato portrayed Phillip’s biological daughter, Kimberly Drummond.
- Character Aspirations: Known for playing a “goody-two-shoes,” Dana expressed a desire for her character to take a rebellious turn.
- Personal Struggles: Off-screen, Dana faced personal struggles, which led to her being written off the show after season 6.
- Tragic Demise: Tragically, Dana Plato passed away from a drug overdose at the age of 34 on May 8, 1999.
In summary, the cast of “Diff’rent Strokes” embarked on diverse paths after the show’s conclusion. They faced various challenges, including legal troubles, substance abuse battles, and health issues. While some, like Gary Coleman, are no longer with us, others, such as Todd Bridges, continue to navigate the complexities of life.
Different Strokes: The Story
“Diff’rent Strokes” revolves around Phillip Drummond, a wealthy widowed Manhattan millionaire and president of Trans Allied Inc. His life takes a dramatic turn when he fulfills a promise to his late African American housekeeper, adopting her two sons from Harlem, 8-year-old Arnold and 12-year-old Willis. The boys transition from a modest life to wealth overnight, becoming Drummond’s beloved sons. Alongside them are Drummond’s daughter, Kimberly, and the no-nonsense housekeeper, Edna Garrett.
As the misadventures unfold, Mrs. Garrett leaves to become the housemother at the Eastland School for Girls, making room for other memorable characters like the cantankerous Adelaide Brubaker and the charming Pearl Gallagher. The series introduces Arnold’s friends, Willis’ girlfriend Charlene, characters from the spin-off series “The Facts of Life,” and Drummond’s sister, Sophia. In 1984, Drummond finds love and marries fitness instructor Maggie McKinney, who brings her 6-year-old son, Sam, into the family.
While the show often revolves around the typical lessons of growing up, it fearlessly addresses serious issues, including a frightening encounter with a child molester and a memorable episode on drug abuse featuring First Lady Nancy Reagan. “Diff’rent Strokes” masterfully combines humor, heartwarming moments, and vital life lessons as the blended family faces the challenges and joys of their unique journey.
Where to Watch “Diff’rent Strokes”
If you’re eager to revisit the classic moments and humor of the Drummond family, you’re in luck! You can currently enjoy watching “Diff’rent Strokes” on Prime Video. This beloved sitcom, featuring the misadventures of a wealthy Manhattan family who adopts two children from Harlem, is available for streaming on the Prime Video platform. Simply log in to your Prime Video account, and you can relive the laughter and life lessons from this beloved 80s TV show at your leisure.
Different Strokes Cast Where Are They Now – FAQ
- What is “Diff’rent Strokes” about? “Diff’rent Strokes” is a sitcom that follows the misadventures of two boys from Harlem, Arnold and Willis, who are adopted by a wealthy Manhattan businessman and his daughter.
- Where can I watch “Diff’rent Strokes” now? You can watch “Diff’rent Strokes” on Prime Video.
- Who were the main cast members? The main cast included Conrad Bain, Gary Coleman, Todd Bridges, Dana Plato, Charlotte Rae, Mary Jo Catlett, Danny Cooksey, Dixie Carter, and Mary Ann Mobley.
- What serious issues did the show address? “Diff’rent Strokes” tackled serious topics like racism, drug use, alcoholism, hitchhiking, kidnapping, and child sexual abuse in its “very special episodes.”
- What happened to Gary Coleman and Dana Plato? Gary Coleman passed away on May 28, 2010, due to a brain hemorrhage. Dana Plato tragically died of a drug overdose on May 8, 1999, after facing personal struggles.
Get ready to embark on a nostalgic journey with the Drummond family, and remember the timeless lessons imparted by “Diff’rent Strokes.”