SSyoutube – YouTube Video Downloader!

According To-SSyoutube – YouTube Video Downloader , You can now download YouTube videos with the prefix “ss” without needing to install any third-party app on your mobile phone or computer. The only thing you need to do is add “ss” at the beginning of the URL of the YouTube video you want to download. You can use this trick with any gadget, like an Android phone, iPhone, or computer, laptops devices, and browsers. Plus, we can also convert YouTube videos to MP3 files using this handy trick. So if you want to download a restricted YouTube video, try using the ssyoutube downloader instead.


YouTube video download

You can download YouTube videos with SS or SSYouTube

The following steps show you how to download YouTube videos easily using ssyoutube or the prefix “ss”:

To begin, go to Youtube and find the video you want to download.

Click on the play button again to stop the video once it has started playing.

Click on the video URL, add a “ss” before the “…” and then hit enter. You will then be directed to a new page where you will be able to save the video. On this page, you can find all the details related to the YouTube video that you would like to download. It is the parent website of, also known as Also Read-SSyoutube – YouTube Video Downloader

This page contains the duration of the video, its title, and a download button.

The green Download button has a drop-down menu on the right side.

You can choose the video format you want to download from this dropdown menu.

You can also download it as an MP3 by selecting the “HD/MP3” option.

Here are some frequently asked questions:

How safe is SSYouTube?

I have been using SSYoutube for 18 months and it is absolutely safe, but beware of the sites that it redirects to sometimes. Just close that tab and you are fine.

What is the process by which SS YouTube redirects URLs and downloads YouTube videos?

Videos can be downloaded from a variety of websites like YouTube using stand-alone, add-on software. Providing that those videos aren’t blocked by the uploader, these programs depend on your operating system. For instance, I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The best video downloader I have found on this platform is ClipGrab.

Are there any alternatives to ( for downloading (saving) YouTube videos?

There is an app called Videoder. Obviously, it does not appear on Google Play. If you are an Android user, you can download the APK (assuming you’re an Android user). If you open Youtube in the app or press share>>copy URL, the video will automatically be downloaded in different resolutions. If you need help from our end, you can write for us. You can also use these tools like GenYoutube, save from the net.SSyoutube – YouTube Video Downloader


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