The Rising Role Of Video Content In Seo Ranking

Video content started to gain prominence in 2019, and since then, there has been no looking back. Today, 85% of marketers use video marketing to carry out brand campaigns. Videos perform brilliantly and help increase engagement, visibility, and sales for your brand. You might have observed that video suggestions often pop up first when you search for something on Google. It is because YouTube and Google are the offshoots of the same parent company. Therefore, video content always tends to perform better in the SEO department.

If you want to understand how SEO works and why videos work so wonderfully in the segment, continue reading:

Understanding the importance of video content in improving SEO ranking:

1. Videos are precise and short

In the current day and age, people are always on the go. Nobody has the time to go through pages and pages of content or listen to lengthy speeches. Videos can convey the same information in a crisp and short format. Since viewers prefer watching short videos, they tend to perform better at SEO. The ideal duration of your video content should be anywhere between 15 and 60 seconds. Now that we know that videos tend to perform better than written content, here are the following video types you should consider while planning your content:

  • Promo videos: Rather than writing at length about your products, their features, and functions, you can make a promo video. Promotional videos are a great way of showcasing your products in a time-effective manner. Promo videos are all the more lucrative for online businesses. They lend such a business an avenue to showcase their specialty.
  • Instructional videos: In the present times, not many people want to undergo the hassle of reading an instruction manual. Instructional videos can be highly assistive for the viewers to decipher the operational aspect of a particular product. Customers often go online to understand how to operate a product. ‘How to’ videos fare well on YouTube. Therefore, you can improve your SEO ranking manifold by incorporating this video type.
  • YouTube shorts: Since users incline to short videos more, YouTube has rolled out YouTube shorts. YouTubers are gaining millions of views on their YouTube shorts video. If you are not an avid YouTube user even now, it is time for you to become one. It is not a gigantic task to create and edit videos precisely, owing to umpteen video editing tools online.

2. Social media giants encourage videos

Video content is the new ‘it’ thing in the market. Earlier, YouTube was the only big platform for sharing videos. However, social media giants like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have also now begun encouraging video content. For instance, Instagram reels have gained massive popularity over time. They have become a sure-shot method of gaining visibility and reaching out to a wider audience. Therefore, actively posting video content on social media is the need of the hour. Following is the list of social media practices you can adopt to improve your SEO ranking:

  • Create a catchy thumbnail: Thumbnails might determine the fate of your video. Viewers are tempted to watch your videos when the thumbnail is intriguing. If you do not know how to create thumbnails, you can use a video editing software. In case you are a beginner, choose a video editor with a few ready-made template options. It will provide you with a suitable head start.
  • Use relevant hashtags: Using hashtags is integral for gaining visibility. Instagram provides its users with the option to follow hashtags. Therefore, you can reach out to numerous potential customers by utilising relevant hashtags. While using hashtags, it is crucial to note that they’re not to be overused.
  • Decide a suitable title and description for your video: YouTube requires you to give a title and caption to your video. Make sure that both these things are eye-catching, properly framed, and incorporate some trending words. Your video will perform better in the SEO department when you focus on these little details.

3. Videos are long-lasting

A video enjoys a longer shelf-life than other forms of content. Videos can go viral anytime. Users share them even after months and years of being published. Video content usually receives more views, likes, shares, and comments compared to regular posts. Since they stay relevant for a much larger period, they perform better at Search Engine Optimization. Therefore, videos play a significant role in SEO ranking.

4. Video content is captivating

It is a proven fact that videos keep the users hooked on. Search engines prioritise the websites and web pages users spend the most time on. Therefore, when you incorporate video content on your website, your SEO ranking gets better. Videos provide full authority to the viewers. You can pause the content, fast forward, replay, and rewind it. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other sites even allow users to save the videos for later.

The freedom that videos provide to users is unparalleled. Hence, creating and posting engaging videos is a must. Here are a few tips to generate intriguing content that makes the users stay on your page for longer:

  • Include videos on your website’s landing page: If the video you post on your website’s landing page is interesting, users will go through the entire website. Hence, you must include a short video on the landing page.
  • Incorporate some sentiments: Try to avoid creating bland content. Add an emotion of your choice. Your videos can be funny, emotional, angry, relatable, etc.
  • Add some music: Another great way of avoiding blandness in your videos is to add a relevant music track. The trick is to use a standard video editing tool to access royalty-free music for your videos. Songs or tunes will successfully add life to your video and make it more engaging.
  • Storytelling is the key: If you construct an appealing plot for your video, it will work well with your audiences. Besides that, you can add other interesting elements like GIFs, stickers, fluid animations, and more with the help of video software.


The role of video in SEO rankings is constantly rising. Therefore, creating video content for brand promotions is essential.

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